CANT Z.1007bis Alcione 1/72 Supermodel
The CANT Z.1007bis was an Italian medium bomber designed in the mid-1930s and used throughout World War II. I’ve always been fond of the tri-motor configuration, and I believe the “Alcione/Kingfisher” was one of the most graceful-looking Italian aircraft.
Supermodel first produced this model in 1973, and, naturally, the challenges of obtaining decent results from it were apparent. It’s a simple kit with very few parts, so the true test was to somehow replicate the Italian camouflage of that era with a decent paint scheme. After a rather lengthy struggle, I didn’t feel that my result was very impressive. Reluctantly, I relegated the model to the “Shelf of Doom.”
Enter my good friend, Vladimir, and his fantastic line of Airone Hobby 3D-printed products. After sharing some photos of my version with him, he encouraged me to continue the build. With the addition of his upgraded propellers, bombs, and Breda-SAFAT machine guns, things started to come together, yielding encouraging results. I used AK pencils to accentuate some panel lines, Tamiya weathering sticks, applied some washes, and finally, incorporated Albion Alloys brass tubing for a pitot tube and a counterbalance for the dorsal turret, and my “Kingfisher” was ready to take flight.
Even at 50 years of age, I realized that the venerable Supermodel kit, when combined with 3D-printed aftermarket parts from Airone Hobby, can still yield very pleasing results.
Hi Rob,
congrats to your first piece here 🙂 Welcome to the 72gentleman’s club!
BR Dave
Hello Rob,
Nice to see your work There. You managed to build this interesting plane very well, especially the camouflage pattern is not easy to do.